Our Services
The fastest notarizations you need
What is Notary Public ?
A Notary Public is an authority of uprightness designated by state government – commonly by the secretary of state – to serve people in general as an unprejudiced observer in playing out an assortment of true misrepresentation hindrance acts connected with the marking of significant reports. These authority acts are called authorizations, or notarial acts. Public accountants are freely dispatched as “pastoral” authorities, implying that they are relied upon to observe composed guidelines without the activity of huge individual caution, as would some way or another be the situation with a “legal” official.
Why do I need A Notary ?
A Notary’s obligation is to evaluate the endorsers of significant reports for their actual personality, their eagerness to sign without pressure or terrorizing, and their consciousness of the substance of the archive or exchange. Some legally approbations likewise require the Notary to put the underwriter under a promise, proclaiming under punishment of prevarication that the data contained in a record is valid and right. Property deeds, wills and full legal authorities are instances of archives that ordinarily require a Notary.
Fairness is the reinforcement of the Notary’s public trust. They are compelled by a solemn obligation not to act in circumstances where they have an individual interest. The public trusts that the Notary’s screening errands have not been debased by personal circumstance. Also unbiasedness directs that a Notary never decline to serve an individual because of race, identity, religion, governmental issues, sexual direction or status as a non-client.
As true delegates of the state, Notaries Public confirm the appropriate execution of a considerable lot of the extraordinary records of private residents – regardless of whether those different exchanges pass on land, award overarching legal authorities, set up a prenuptial arrangement, or play out the huge number of different exercises that empower our common society to work.
Through the course of authorization, Notaries prevent extortion and build up that the underwriter realizes what report they’re marking, and that they’re a willing member in the exchange.
Documents that can be Notarized are:
Proof of residence
School district residency
Declaration of guardianship
Name Changes
Travel consent
Declaration of common law union
Pre-Marital Agreements
Dissolution of Marriage
Durable Power of Attorney
Bank Power of Attorney
Certified Copy of Power of Attorney
Medical treatment consent
Advanced Medical Directives
Medical records
Living Trust Documents
Transfer of property ownership
Real Estate Documents
Residential Loan documents
Loan closings
Title Escrow closings
Deeds of Easement
Quit Claim Deed
Deeds Releases
Grant Deeds
Lien Releases
Mortgage closings
Real Estate
Lease Agreements
Vehicle Title Transfer
Bill of Sale
Pension and Retirement documents
Investment Documents
Personal Statements
DMV Traffic School Final Exam
Certified Copy non-recordable documents
Declaration of lost or stolen passport
Business contracts
Business Partnerships
Professional licensing
Employment forms
Business documents
Financial documents
Government Forms
Promissory Notes
Oaths, Sworn in for Testimony
Protesting a bill for non-payment
Prison Inmate documents
Documents for Apostilles
Foreign Adoptions
Adoption papers